Jaehoon Choi
I am a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate at University of Maryland, College Park (UMD), working with Prof. Dinesh Manocha at the GAMMA Lab. I did my MS at KAIST, where I was advised by Changick Kim. I did my bachelors at the KAIST.
⭐ I am on the job market looking for research scientist, quantitative researcher and related positions. Please see my CV and contact me if you know of any opportunities that may be a good fit!
📬 kevchoi@umd.edu | jaehoonc44@gmail.com
My research focuses on understanding and reconstructing the 3D world through two primary approaches: (1) generating precise 3D geometries and (2) producing photorealistic renderings of these environments.
Dongki Jung*, Jaehoon Choi*, Yonghan Lee, Dinesh Manocha (* These two authors contributed equally) [Project] We propose a complete pipeline for indoor mapping using omnidirectional images, consisting of three key stages: (1) Spherical SfM, (2) Neural Surface Reconstruction, and (3) Texture Optimization. |
Dongki Jung, Jaehoon Choi, Yonghan Lee, Somi Jeong, Taejae Lee, Dinesh Manocha, Suyong Yeon [Project] We propose the first learning-based dense matching algorithm for omnidirectional images. |
Yonghan Lee, Jaehoon Choi, Dongki Jung, Jaeseong Yun, Soohyun Ryu, Dinesh Manocha, and Suyong Yeon [arXiv] We propose a novel 3D Gaussian splatting algorithm that integrates monocular depth network with anchored Gaussian splatting, enabling robust rendering performance on sparse-view datasets. |
Christopher Maxey, Jaehoon Choi, Yonghan Lee, Hyungtae Lee, Dinesh Manocha, and Heesung Kwon [arXiv] We propose an extension of K-Planes Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), wherein our algorithm stores a set of tiered feature vectors. |
Jaehoon Choi, Yonghan Lee, Hyungtae Lee, Heesung Kwon, and Dinesh Manocha ACCV, 2024 [arXiv] We propose a novel approach that integrates mesh representation with 3D Gaussian splats to perform high-quality rendering of reconstructed real-world scenes. |
Jaehoon Choi, Rajvi Shah, Qinbo Li, Yipeng Wang, Ayush Saraf, Changil Kim, Jia-Bin Huang, Dinesh Manocha, Suhib Alsisan, and Johannes Kopf CVPR, 2024 [arXiv] [Project] We present a practical method for reconstructing and optimizing textured meshes of large, unbounded real-world scenes that offer high visual and geometric fidelity. |
Christopher Maxey*, Jaehoon Choi*, Hyungtae Lee, Dinesh Manocha, Heesung Kwon (* These two authors contributed equally) ICRA, 2024 [arXiv] [Video] We present a synthetic data generation pipeline based on NeRF for UAV-based perception |
Jaehoon Choi, Dongki Jung, Taejae Lee, Sangwook Kim, Youngdong Jung, Dinesh Manocha, Donghwan Lee CVPR, 2023 [arXiv] [Project] We present a new pipeline for acquiring a textured mesh in the wild with a single smartphone. |
Jaehoon Choi*, Dongki Jung*, Yonghan Lee, Deokhwa Kim, Dinesh Manocha, Donghwan Lee (* These two authors contributed equally) ICRA, 2022 [arXiv] We have developed a fine-tuning method for metrically accurate depth estimation in a self-supervised way. |
Dongki Jung*, Jaehoon Choi*, Yonghan Lee, Deokhwa Kim, Changick Kim, Dinesh Manocha, Donghwan Lee (* These two authors contributed equally) ICCV, 2021 [arXiv] We present a novel approach for estimating depth from a monocular camera as it moves through complex and crowded indoor environments. |
Taekyung Kim, Jaehoon Choi, Seokeon Choi, Dongki Jung, Changick Kim ICCV, 2021 [arXiv] We first introduce a novel semi-supervised multi-view stereo framework. |
Jaehoon Choi, Dongki Jung, Yonghan Lee, Deokhwa Kim, Dinesh Manocha, Donghwan Lee ICRA, 2021 [arXiv] We present a novel algorithm for self-supervised monocular depth completion in challenging indoor environments. |
Jaehoon Choi*, Dongki Jung*, Donghwan Lee, Changick Kim (* These two authors contributed equally) NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving, 2020 [arXiv] We propose SAFENet that is designed to leverage semantic information to overcome the limitations of the photometric loss. |
Dongki Jung, Seunghan Yang, Jaehoon Choi, Changick Kim ICIP, 2020 [arXiv] We present a novel learnable normalization technique for style transfer using graph convolutional networks |
Jaehoon Choi, Taekyung Kim, Changick Kim ICCV, 2019 [arXiv] We propose a novel framework consisting of two components: Target-Guided and Cycle-Free Data Augmentation and Self-Ensembling algorithm |
Seunghyeon Kim, Jaehoon Choi, Taekyung Kim, Changick Kim ICCV, 2019   (Oral) [arXiv] We introduce a weak self-training (WST) method and adversarial background score regularization (BSR) for domain adaptive one-stage object detection. |
Jaehoon Choi, Minki Jeong, Taekyung Kim, Changick Kim BMVC, 2019 [arXiv] We propose a pseudo-labeling curriculum based on a density-based clustering algorithm. |
Service |
Conference Reviewer CVPR 2020, WACV 2021, ACCV 2020, AAAI 2021, ICRA 2021 Chosen as one of 66 outstanding reviewers of ACCV 2020 |
Teaching Assistant, CMSC733: Computer Processing of Pictorial Information Fall 2022 Teaching Assistant, CMSC250: Discrete Structure Fall 2021 Teaching Assistant, CMSC426: Computer Vision Spring 2021 |
Teaching Assistant, EE838–Special Topics in Image Engineering Optimization for Computer Vision Spring 2019 Student Tutor for Foreign Students: Introduction to Programming, CS101 2019 |